Adventure Chat #26 – Holiday Adventures

When I began participating in Twitter chats I loved the amount of interacting and great information I was seeing. I also noticed that most chats were about travel. While I love traveling, I am more of an adventure junkie and enjoy local activities like camping and hiking and the occasional road trip. So, I started my own Twitter chat called #adventurechat on Monday’s at 10 am pst. It’s a fun and informative way for me to learn from everyone else’s adventures. I’ve had more than one person ask me for a blog transcript so here we go. I’ve taken out all retweets and responses that are confusing as well as putting all Q and A’s in order. While the pictures were beautiful I do not have the right to include them here but they are all a part of the full transcript on

The 26th chat was all about my favorite topic, HOLIDAYS! Here are the questions and transcripts from the chat.


  1. What is your favorite holiday and why?
  2. Do you travel for the holidays or try to avoid the madness?
  3. Do you try to find new and exciting things to do each year or stick to the same old traditions?
  4. What are some of your holiday traditions?
  5. Do you find ways to enjoy the outdoors during holiday breaks or stay cozy inside?
  6. What is your favorite holiday memory? Least favorite?
  7. How do you prepare for the madness of the holidays?
  8. What is a dream holiday adventure you’d love to go on?
  9. With Halloween coming up…Do you dress up? Party? Hand out candy? Hide from the crazies?
  10. Share your favorite holiday photos!

@monicagoesshow: It’s #adventurechat time! Who’s with us to talk all about the holidays?

@59NationalParks Here Miss Monica! #adventurechat

@BenOnAdventures: checking in from chilly Defiance Ohio. #AdventureChat

@tripcipe: We’re excited for the chat this morning! #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: Alright let’s get this party started, we may be a small group but we’re mighty! #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: Q1: What is your favorite holiday and why? #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: A1: I gotta go with Christmas! Especially in Michigan with all the snow and twinkly lights! #adventurechat

@BenOnAdventures: Christmas. Family time. Winter hiking. No matter where you are people are in a good mood.  

@59NationalParks: No question it’s Thanksgiving. Family, deep fried turkey and the annual pumpkin chunking contest.

@tripcipe: Bundling up on Christmas eve and day is the best! Hot cocoa, warm blankets and family #adventurechat

@mittieroger: A:1 DOTD!! No question!! #dayofthedead #diadelosmuertos #mexico #adventurechat

@Landtripping: Christmas! Hands down. #adventurechat

@Adven_Chica: A1 definately xmas: the lights, songs, traditions and foods! #adventurechat

@Daijie_Huang: A1: Thanksgiving, when the travel expense is not as high as Xmas.and the happiness can last to Xmas. 🙂

@CeecesTravel: A1: The one filled with doing things for the first time, taking chances,meeting life changing people & being

@HommilyInc: A1 Christmas! Friends and Family! and Presents so much presents! gimme gimme #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: Q2: Do you travel for the holidays or try to avoid the madness? #adventurechat

@59NationalParks: Just depends. Once we took a Caribbean cruise over Thanksgiving. Was lots of fun. A2 #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: A2: Normally I can’t travel with work and two of us but this will be our 1st christmas together with family back in Michigan! #adventurechat

@Shoparound: A2 I always travel for holidays, it’s the easiest time for me to get away. LA at Thanksgiving, Europe at Xmas

@Adven_Chica: A2 usually stay put but this year we are going skiing for the first time in NC for the holidays #adventurechat

@BenOnAdventures: I’m usually home or at family’s houses. #AdventureChat

@59NationalParks: Last year I #LiveTweeted the whole deep fried turkey event. #adventurechat Think people were hoping for a fire.

@mittieroger: a2. Depends on the festival & yr travel mood. off season is my fave, but fun to go to certain festivals, esp as a 1st timer. #adventurechat

@Daijie_Huang: A2: Break from the routine and do something adventurous. #adventurechat

@Adven_Chica: i hv gone 2 netherland, belgium & paris 4 xmas. All definately understand the holiday spirit #adventurechat

@CeecesTravel: A2: I try to make #Travel a lifestyle not a holiday but do enjoy both peak and non peak seasons for reasons

@InnTownCamp: A2: Working in hospitality makes it so we take our trips at non busy times @monicagoesshow

@tltravel: A2: #adventurechat I always make it home for Christmas but never holiday. Did it once & was delayed for days!

@HommilyInc: A2 Travel before the holidays! Everything looks great and is getting ready! #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: Q3: Do you try to find new and exciting things to do each year or stick to the same old traditions?

@monicagoesshow: A3: I do a little of both! Love finding new things and creating new traditions but love my childhood traditions too! #adventurechat

@tripcipe: A little bit of both, my family still plays Eye Spy with the ornaments on the Christmas tree! #adventurechat

@Daijie_Huang: A3: definately something new. So, I call it travel instead of a vacation. #adventurechat

@BenOnAdventures: it varies year to year. Some same old traditions some mixing it up. #AdventureChat

@59NationalParks: A3 A blend of traditions and new stuff I’d say. Maybe we will watch Animal House this Thanksgiving.

@SGSwritereditor: #Quirk and I are here, hoping #Halloween comes up in #adventurechat

@Shoparound: A3 I try to see a new destination each year & often accomplish that Xmas week, so maybe that’s my tradition.

@CeecesTravel: A3: New and exciting, that is the tradition 🙂 There is always something to discover and explore 🙂

@mittieroger: a3. #DiadelosLocos and #DiadelosMuertos are my constant Everything else changes -> #seeker #mexico #adventurechat

@Adven_Chica: A3: A mixture of both: incorporating new things but still continue to honor our old traditions! #adventurechat

@Landtripping: Q3:We alternate holidays spent with family each year, so traditions change depending on which family were at.

@HommilyInc: A3 New and Exciting things! get out of that comfort zone! #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: Q4: What are some of your holiday traditions? #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: A4: We watch the Lions on Thanksgiving and shop all night Black Friday, Tamales for Christmas

@CeecesTravel: A4: That’s a loaded question for any South African! Many cultures, many traditions 🙂 #AdventureChat

@59NationalParks I always look forward to the “airing of grievances” A4 #adventurechat

@tripcipe: we always have 2 Thanksgivings, one with the whole family & one with immediate family.Can’t get enough pie!

@BenOnAdventures: As I said in past chats: taking my little cousins hiking at my grandparents on Thanksgiving

@Adven_Chica: A4: Xmas eve dinner with friends and family and Church mass. Xmas morning: open our gifts and EAT some more! #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: THIS CHAT IS MAKING ME SO EXCITED FOR HOLIDAYS!!! (can you tell?) #adventurechat

@SGSwritereditor:  A4: Our #holiday tradition is #Quirk brings the #Xmas gifts instead of Santa. #adventurechat

@CeecesTravel: I am not really big on the “Christmas” thing but I do enjoy the yearly repeat of #DinnerForOnce

@Outside_Inn: Scaring all the children with our haunted pathway for #Halloween @monicagoesshow #AdventureChat

@HommilyInc: A4 Movie with the family! and bike ride! #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: Q5: Do you find ways to enjoy the outdoors during holiday breaks or stay cozy inside?

@monicagoesshow: A5: When I’m in Michigan I like to stay cozy inside, maybe go sledding. In LA, we go to the beach because we can #adventurechat

@CeecesTravel: A5: Both! Days outdoors, evenings inside with summer rains 🙂 #AdventureChat

@59NationalParks: A5 Hard to beat a snowy hike around Christmas. #adventurechat

@Landtripping: A5: Sledding! It’s a must. Also, the #KansasCity #CountryClubPlaza on Thanksgiving night is a KC tradition.

@BenOnAdventures: it varies. I hiked in -50 weather 2 years ago here in NW Ohio. #AdventureChat

@monicagoesshow: And in the fall I like to find new adventures like this awesome pumpkin patch and Oktoberfest! #adventurechat

@BenOnAdventures: but I love being indoors with Christmas movies or music on and having great homemade food with family

@mittieroger: A5. Love the outdoors – hiking, camping and bonfires!! #adventurechat

@InnTownCamp: a5: Snow #NevadaCity photo by Josh Miller motivates outside #AdventureChat @monicagoesshow

@Daijie_Huang: A5: it depends. If I am going for ski, snow and cold is not an issue. Otherwise, stay cozy inside.

@Shoparound: A5 I love my Thanksgiving trips to LA; just as it’s starting to get cold here in NYC I visit someplace warm.

@justme_Soo: A5: Going outdoors holiday skiing makes being cozy indoors even better après-ski! #adventurechat

@HashTagKCMO: A5: Sledding! It’s a must. Also, the #KansasCity #CountryClubPlaza on Thanksgiving night is a KC tradition.

@Adven_Chica: A5 Mostly staying cozy inside with some vino! #adventurechat

@HommilyInc: A5 Never stop exploring! Holidays are a great time to go outdoors! #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: Q6: What is your favorite holiday memory? Least favorite? #adventurechat

@Adven_Chica: NY2011 was spent in Cape town over looking 12 Apostles in Cp Twn #adventurechat

@BenOnAdventures: Along with the homemade food & family time, another tradition we do is go to a local Christmas tree farm & cut our tree down #AdventureChat

@BenOnAdventures: my favorite is every holiday. They’re all so unique in their own ways. #AdventureChat

@mittieroger: a6. Best: building the #dayofthedead altar for my grandmother in #mexico Worst: dealing with xmas decoration in october #adventurechat

@Adven_Chica: A6: Fav Memory: decorating the xmas tree as a family as a child. Least Favorite: Being drag to midnight mass lol #adventurechat

@59NationalParks: One of my grandfathers fell off his chair from too much holiday cheer once. Best of times, worst of times

@monicagoesshow: This year will be the best! Halloween in New Orleans, Thanksgiving with in-laws in LA, Christmas with family in Michigan! #adventurechat

@CeecesTravel: A6: Least favorite, as a kid being expected to look after other peoples kids. Not my scene. Lol

@Landtripping: A6: Any holiday surrounded by family and friends is my favorite holiday. #adventurechat

@Thorlos: Make sure feet are comfy & protected during those invigorating snowy hikes! #adventurechat 😊👣

@InnTownCamp: A6: Spending a Christmas on the beach in Nelson, New Zealand @monicagoesshow #AdventureChat

@Shoparound: A6 Many years ago, I spent Thanksgiving in Hawaii visiting a friend that had moved there. It was fantastic.

@Adven_Chica: @monicagoesshow good 4 you! 4 me: Thanksgiving in #Senegal, Christmas in #North #Carolina with my son & NY in #Haiti Solo #adventurechat

@HommilyInc: A6 I got a Nintendo!! yeah!!! #adventurechat

@SKVoyager: A6: My favorite has to be visiting Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Christmas Eve. #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: Q7: How do you prepare for the madness of the holidays?#adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: A7: I try to plan as best I can and then relax and go with the flow! And when in doubt…drink more wine!

@monicagoesshow: Wanna host an #adventurechat? DM me and we’ll get it going!

@InnTownCamp: A7: Buy more wine @monicagoesshow #adventurechat

@59NationalParks: A7 I avoid the madness by using #adventurechat

@BenOnAdventures: I just relax, don’t look at the clock and take it easy. #AdventureChat

@monicagoesshow: My mom freaked out about the turkey one Thanksgiving. I taught her the joy of wine in cooking (and putting some in food) #adventurechat

@Adven_Chica: going ski this holiday for the 1st time! Looking fwd 2 it…Need proper gear #adventurechat

@Adven_Chica: got to love the vino! Needed to deal with family during holidays #adventurechat

@mittieroger: A7. By leaving town. Ha! I rarely get the holiday experience. always on the road #volunteering 4 #charity happens anywhere #adventurechat

@HommilyInc: A7 Get everything done early. So you can enjoy the holidays! #adventurechat

@SKVoyager: A7: My family has started getting away for the holidays. We’ll be in Jamaica for Christmas this year!

@monicagoesshow: Q8: What is a dream holiday adventure you’d love to go on? #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: A8: I would love to get a cabin for Christmas one year and the New Years ball on Catalina Island would be fun #adventurechat

@TriSportWorld: Thorlos: Make sure feet are comfy & protected during those invigorating snowy hikes! #adventurechat 😊👣

@BenOnAdventures: hmm tough one. I’d say just a safe and healthy holiday with family. Too many options. #AdventureChat

@CeecesTravel: A8: One that becomes a lifestyle, a life or travel, exploration and growth on the road #AdventureChat 🙂

@59NationalParks: We want to go to @DenaliNPS in the Winter. Around Christmas would be perfect. A8 #adventurechat

@Adven_Chica: A8 Dream Holiday Adventure is ANYTHING I can do with those I love #adventurechat

@BenOnAdventures: you and everyone on here are becoming long distance family. It’ll be great knowing all of you this year!

@ankit1989: A8 Valley of Flowers in India #adventurechat

@HommilyInc: A8 Oh I suppose Christmas in Paris, London for New Years and Australia for Easter #adventurechat

@InnTownCamp: A8: Backpacking in New Zealand with the family @monicagoesshow #adventurechat

@SKVoyager: A8: I would love to experience Day of the Dead in Mexico one day. #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: Q9: With Halloween coming up…Do you dress up? Party? Hand out candy? Hide from the crazies?

@BenOnAdventures: Usually go to my uncles to help hand out candy aka me eating a lot of the candy #AdventureChat

@CeecesTravel: A9: Besides a few random “club” parties we don’t celebrate it in SA really. No Hallow-fever here 🙂

@59NationalParks: Hand out candy, yes. Might go as #Bigfoot this year. #adventurechat A9

@monicagoesshow: A9: The theatre girl in me loves dressing up! This year I’ll be at VooDoo music fest watching Ozzy! #adventurechat

@HommilyInc: A9 All of the above! Dress up, Party and Hand out Candy! Its on Saturday! #candy #adventurechat

@InnTownCamp: a preview of our glamping tent getting a makeover for the season #adventurechat

@Adven_Chica: A9 I would much prefer hiding from the crazies! but this one won’t let me. He loves dressing up! #adventurechat

@mittieroger: A9 I’m always on a stage for halloween 🙂 #adventurechat #bellydancebadass

@monicagoesshow: Q10: Share your favorite holiday photos! #adventurechat

@59NationalParks: A10 #adventurechat @monicagoesshow my fave.

@monicagoesshow: A10: here’s a couple Christmas photos! #adventurechat

@59NationalParks: A10 Thanksgiving in St. Martin #adventurechat @monicagoesshow

@BenOnAdventures: I would, but there are too many to choose from! I will send one in the near future! #AdventureChat

@rustysheba: Facing the Rock of Gibraltar a holiday to Portugal and side trip there

@InnTownCamp: A10: Holiday photo with our vintage trailer at the #InnTownCampground @monicagoesshow #adventurechat

@59NationalParks: A10 4th of July w @thatoutdoorguy and family at @BadlandsNPS #adventurechat @monicagoesshow

@SGSwritereditor: A10: Here’s #Quirk in his #Halloween costume, dressed as the @DArtagnanFoods logo #adventurechat

@monicagoesshow: What a super fun #adventurechat! So excited for the holidays! Thanks everyone for joining in!

@monicagoesshow: Again, if anyone wants to cohost an #adventurechat, DM me! Until then, I’ll see ya’ll next week!

@Adven_Chica: great #adventurechat today! Takeaway: enjoy family and don’t forget to buy VINO.. it will help !!! ‘Til next week!

@59NationalParks: Thanks @monicagoesshow for hosting #adventurechat. I will try and stop by more often.

@HommilyInc: thank you! cheers! #adventurechat

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